All about adaptive clothing

what is adaptive clothing?
Adaptive clothes are garments designed to be functional, comfortable, and accessible for people with specific needs. In other words, they let you look and feel your best, whatever your experience!
You might be recovering from surgery, dealing with a diagnosis, have restricted movement or need easy access clothing for health or lifestyle reasons. No matter what your circumstances, you deserve to wear clothes you love and to be able express yourself through fashion.
We know this can be challenging when getting dressed is a struggle or your medical team need regular access to a port-a-cath, IV line or a surgical site. You might have a family member or loved one who is in care and needs help dressing, and you'd like them to be comfortable.
That’s where adaptive clothing comes in. These functional clothes are fashionable for social settings, yet they’re also easily accessible for medical appointments.
easy-access clothes
Good adaptive apparel provides all the ease and comfort of a hospital gown – minus the less than flattering design and cheeky display.
We believe fashion should suit your life, not the other way around.
That’s why our range of adaptive wear is:
- Easy to put on and take off
- Comfortable to wear and simple to wash
- Designed with joyful colours and prints – to help you feel better by looking your brightest.
adaptive clothing for people, not just “patients”
Fashion is important to us, and we know it’s important to you too. Having an operation, chemotherapy or a disability shouldn’t stop you from looking or feeling like yourself. So, our garments aren’t designed for “patients”. They’re designed for real people – people who just happen to need more flexibility from their fashion.
Whether you need a comfortable dress to wear after surgery or shirts for port access during chemo, the Limonata range is here to help you look and feel your best.